How to make email and social media work better together

Email Marketing
Mar 29
6 min read
Email marketing and social media have become two of the most popular ways to market products, services, and messages. Using both tools effectively, you can strengthen customer relationships while increasing brand awareness simultaneously.
Photo of hands joining in a heart sign. Photo from Nothing Ahead on Pexels

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching out to potential customers and staying in touch with existing customers. Social media platforms offer an effective way to spread your message further by connecting with followers, sharing content, engaging in conversations, and more.

Combining them allows you to access larger audiences than either solution alone could provide – making it easier to reach more people quickly without investing too much effort or money into promotion activities.

What are email marketing strengths?

Email marketing is a direct line into your customers and potential customers' digital mailboxes. With it, you can promote products and services or send brand messages. Email marketing can be used for various goals, such as increasing brand awareness, building customer loyalty, generating traffic and leads driving sales conversions, and more.

To understand how email marketing works, it’s essential to understand the various components of an email campaign.

This includes:

  • Creating content that resonates with your target audience(s)
  • Designing attractive emails
  • Crafting powerful call-to-actions
  • Automation
  • Segmentation
  • Tracking key performance metrics
  • Adjusting based on results to optimise future campaigns

Additionally, by consistently testing different elements within your emails, you can tweak your strategy until you find what works best for each contact segment or persona type – helping ensure maximum ROI from each campaign.

When done well, email marketing has repeatedly proven itself as one of the most cost-effective methods of reaching customers online – allowing businesses to connect with their audiences quickly while providing personalised engagement on any device they use.

What are social media strenghts?

Social media is a series of online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, and more, where people can interact with each other. It allows users to post content related to their interests or views on specific topics and communicate with others who share similar interests in real time.

The benefits of using social media for businesses are numerous. For starters, it helps build relationships between individuals by allowing them to connect quickly without worrying about geographic boundaries or language barriers. Additionally, it allows businesses to engage directly with customers – helping strengthen customer loyalty through feedback loops that encourage dialogue and collaboration. It also gives businesses access to vast potential markets they may not have been able to reach through traditional marketing channels before.

Social media allows businesses to drive traffic to their website or blog and increase brand awareness.

Many social networks offer advanced analytics tools which allow marketers to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour – allowing them to make informed decisions that will help improve future marketing strategies accordingly.

Combining email marketing and social media

While companies can focus primarily on social or email marketing, savvy business owners know it's crucial to concentrate on both concurrently. These tools become a powerful marketing machine that can drive more leads and sales than either could alone.

Let's look at how to use social media and email marketing in tandem for better results.

Drive traffic

If someone signs up for your email list, you can use their data to target them on social networks with special offers or promotions. You can also repurpose content from one channel for another. For example, if you have a blog post or a valuable guide, you can break it down into chunks and put pieces of it on different social networks. Similarly, you can take sound clips from a podcast or clips from a video and repurpose them across your different digital entities.

Each of these can drive to a specific landing page, product, or fuel sign-ups to your email newsletters. There's an old adage that a potential customer needs to see or hear the brand's message seven times before they take action to buy that product or service. While that may or may not be true anymore, getting your message out there multiple times can have a greater impact on purchasing behaviours.

Increase views, reads, and engagements

One of the great things about social media is that the platforms are built to provide instant feedback about your posts. You'll find out quickly if it resonates through views, engagements, likes, or shares. When you have a post that does well, it could be evidence that you should expound on that information or create more content like that.

If there's a message on social media that you want to expand, consider turning it into content for email. Learning and then leaning into what your audience wants from you can help you increase your views, reads, and engagements across the board.

Increase leads

Speaking of resonating, the ultimate goal for most companies is to get people to purchase your products or services. When you begin to create content hitting all fronts (email and social), there's a greater chance that more people will click on your CTAs and purchase from you.

You can drive traffic through social media and email, but you can also sell directly to the potential customer.

Build audiences

Marketing and business are all about the numbers. Increasing your audience on your email list and through your social media platforms increases your potential reach. The bigger your audience, the more likely you are to sell more products. If you can use your email marketing to feed your social media and vice versa, your message becomes even more apparent to those occupying both lists.

Build relationships

Of course, an audience that doesn't care about your service or products isn't worth your time. This is why we always preach never to buy your email lists! Building genuine relationships is key to any successful business. This can be especially true when you're trying to build trust through email marketing and social media.

If your audience trusts your message, they are more likely to read further and interact more – which could lead to sales. By being consistent with relevant content on both channels, people will naturally get to know your brand and become more likely to purchase something from you.

Using social media and email marketing in tandem is a powerful way to reach potential customers, strengthen relationships with existing ones, and increase leads and sales. This type of digital marketing strategy will take some extra time and effort, but it can pay off handsomely.

Utilise segmentation

Combining email and social media can help you send laser-targeted messages to your audience. Utilising segmentation, or breaking down your audiences into smaller groups based on shared characteristics, will allow you to customise content for each group. This is especially useful if you are running special promotions across both channels. Delivering the right message to the right people at the right time and on the right channel increases your chance of success.

By using email and social media together, you can maximise your reach and ensure that everyone interested in what you're offering has access to it. Try running campaigns that leverage both channels and see how your engagement improves.

Launching your campaign

Launching a successful campaign requires careful planning and execution. Before you launch, creating an effective email marketing campaign that resonates with your target audience(s) is essential. This involves creating compelling content, designing attractive emails, crafting powerful call-to-actions, scheduling automated emails when appropriate, and testing different elements within the emails to optimise future campaigns.

Additionally, consider setting up tracking metrics such as click-through rate (CTR) to evaluate performance data after each campaign is sent out.

In addition to creating an effective email marketing strategy, launching a successful campaign also includes building a solid presence on social media platforms. This means developing profiles across all relevant networks while ensuring they are accurate and engaging with followers regularly by responding quickly to comments/messages etc.

Once both strategies have been implemented, it’s vital to track how well the combined approach performed overall to make any necessary adjustments for future campaigns accordingly. By consistently monitoring metrics like sentiment analysis or customer engagement levels over time, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience's needs which they can use for more targeted messages moving forward.

Tracking Your Results

Measuring the success of your combined email marketing and social media campaign is essential to ensure that you reach your desired goals. A few different tools can help you track the results of your efforts, such as Google Analytics for website traffic or using tools from your CRM.

Additionally, other platforms like Hootsuite offer in-depth analytics on how people interact with each post (likes, comments, etc.) across multiple channels.

Measuring customer sentiment when running a combined approach is essential, as this will provide valuable insights into how customers view and feel about your brand – helping determine whether they would likely recommend it to others. This can be done through surveys and polls within emails or social posts; using automated sentiment analysis software; tracking engagement levels & user interactions with content shared online over time; or by analyzing reviews posted on third-party websites such as Yelp!

Finally, businesses can measure their success by regularly testing new elements within their campaigns until they find what works best for each contact segment/persona type - helping ensure maximum ROI from each one. This includes A/B testing subject lines and calls-to-action in emails to see which ones perform better, testing images used in posts across different networks to identify those that do well consistently, comparing ad copy variations among audiences on social media, and more!

In conclusion, combining email marketing and social media effectively reaches a larger audience, builds customer relationships, and increases brand awareness. By optimizing both solutions for their unique strength, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience's needs which they can use for future campaigns.

With careful planning, execution, and results monitoring, success in your email and social media marketing efforts is all within your reach!

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