Spam vs. junk mail: why do my emails go into the spam folder?

Jul 11
4 min read
If you want to send emails, you need to comply with certain rules and laws and, most importantly, use an email service that knows and respects these rules.
3 min read

It doesn't matter what you think or what your recipients think: if the ISP decides that your emails are spam they will classify them as such.

What is "spam"?

Spam is email that you never asked to receive.

You can, for example, "report" a spam mail by clicking directly on the button in your email program. A message will be sent to the Internet Service Provider who will notify the sender of the spam. They may even block all emails sent from that sender's address.

If you yourself send emails to people who have not asked for them, you may also get complaints about spam and be blocked by some providers. You might not be able to send emails to certain domains anymore.

Imagine not being able to send emails to your or subscribers because the service provider is blocking ALL your emails!

What is a "junk email"?

A junk email is an email that has been classified by an internet service provider as spam. The provider makes this decision for various reasons related to your reputation, complaints, the domain of sending, etc.

The ISP will simply decide:

  • To put your email directly into the recipient's "spam" bin/folder.
  • Not to deliver your email to the recipient by blocking it in advance.
Internet service providers are not always right but it is very difficult to convince them otherwise. This is why some very valuable emails go straight into the trash. If you ignore this fact, you're hurting yourself!

Why does the ISP block my emails if they are not spam?

Internet service providers have had no choice but to take action and implement measures to reduce the problem of unwanted email.

A few years ago, out of two billion emails sent every day, 90% of the volume was spam. As a result of the new measures, reports from indicate that the maximum amount of email detected in 2021 was 45.56%. Going from a 90% spam rate to less than 50% is positive! Think about how much time is wasted managing, deleting and blocking all those unwanted emails. Not to mention your mother calling you at 5am because her computer is blocked by an email virus - AHRG!

So if you want to send emails, you need to comply with certain rules and laws such as the ones we started talking about above and, most importantly, use an email service that knows and respects these rules.

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